Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Looking Back to The Beginning

Looking back always helps I guess. And for me that is what I do often lately. For a while now I have been meaning to write about being a navy mom to a son that I am so very proud of. I remember when I heard those words " Ma I have signed up with the Navy I go in right after I graduate from high school this July." the impact of those words back then for me were awful you see being the wife of a Vietnam vet and the sister to three Vietnam vets I never would want to wish this on anyone. Knowing what they went through as well as the family and how blessed we were to have them all back alive not emotionally well for years but alive. I kept my mouth shut though for several months on how I felt about all this. And didn’t say a word until he asked me. Right before he was ready to leave for basic. Then I told him " you could have picked anything but this a priest --but this? And then I said that is ok its your choice and I will back you from here on out never mind what I think I will get used to this." After all every man in our family close to him and I had pointed out we were in peace times so its safe. And I took allot of comfort in that. Yep little did any of us know what was around that corner soon enough.

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